Archive for the ‘Support’ Category

Merry Christmas from Back2Back Ministries!

December 24, 2011

Ephesians 4:4-7 says, “We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future.” This Christmas season, we are grateful for you and your commitment to joining us in providing care for today and hope for tomorrow to orphans around the world. We rejoice that we serve a God who is in passionate pursuit of the orphan child. As you gather with family and friends to celebrate, thank you for continuing to remember the orphans we serve. On behalf of all of us at Back2Back, thank you for being a part of the Back2Back family and for serving alongside us!


Back2Back Ministries Accredited by National Financial Accountability Organization

November 7, 2011

MASON, OH  – The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) announced today the accreditation of Back2Back Ministries of Mason, OH.

ECFA accreditation is based on the ECFA Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, including financial accountability, transparency, sound board governance and ethical fundraising.

Back2Back Ministries joins a growing number of Christ-centered churches and ministries across America, supported by over 35 million donors that have earned the right to display the ECFA seal.  When an organization is accredited by ECFA, it demonstrates its willingness to follow the model of biblical accountability.

“We are pleased to include in our membership a ministry committed to being a voice for orphans and poverty stricken people,” said Dan Busby, president of ECFA.

Founded in 1996, Back2Back Ministries ( exists to love and care for orphans and impoverished children by focusing on the whole child in meeting their physical, spiritual, educational, social and emotional needs that they may overcome their life circumstances and break free from the cycle of generational poverty, so each one experiences restoration to a life of purpose, becoming fulfilled, mature Christian adults.

To learn more about Back2Back Ministries and their stewardship opportunities, visit ServantMatch®, ECFA’s program that matches God’s servants with the stewardship options of ECFA members based on ministry sectors and categories.  It is ECFA’s newest online feature that allows you to quickly and easily find giving opportunities.

ECFA, founded in 1979, provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with the ECFA Standards pertaining to financial accountability, fundraising and board governance.  For more information about ECFA, including information about accreditation and a listing of ECFA-accredited members, visit or call 1-800-323-9473.

Partner with us through Prayer

March 23, 2011

Children at El Limon Children's Home in Mexico spend time in prayer

We invite you to partner with us by joining us in prayer for our ministry.  Find a list of current prayer needs by country below.


– Pray for the Lord to bring us more Godly staff to serve in India.

– Pray for the continued growth and development of the ministry in India


– Pray for the Lord’s wisdom and guidance as we seek to grow, develop, and go deeper in the ministry in Monterrey.

-Pray for the new students who are being considered for the Hope Education program in the fall.


-For wisdom as we continue building relationships with local children’s homes/ministry partners.

– For God’s continued leading as we desire to zero in on a specific area of outreach.


– Pray for the village we work with as we seek to use community development as the avenue of reaching the orphan child.

– Pray for the education/tutoring center that was opened in January. Currently ten students are coming to class four days a week to learn the basics of English. The hope is that this will enable them to do better in their English speaking school.

– Pray for more staff to join our ministry here.


-Pray for our US staff as they provide support to the various missions bases and raise awareness and funds for the ministry.


Missions Cafe, by Rita Haworth, Back2Back Advocate

December 30, 2010


Serving with Back2Back Mexico


It’s been five years since I served on my first Back2Back mission trip. I experienced many emotions that week, but mostly I felt blessed.

I remember the plane ride home as, my friend, Connie, asked the million dollar question, “Do you think you’ll go back?”

Little did she know I had never really left!  Since that first trip, Connie and I have been committed to being a voice for the fatherless.

We attend Apex Community Church in Dayton, Ohio, where we are part of a fantastic body of believers, who support missions with a passion.  Over the past several years, Connie and I have hosted every fundraiser you can think of to raise money for our Back2Back mission trips.

At one point, we decided to host a bake sale at church, thanks to donations from Big Sky Bread. We shared stories and photos of the children in Mexico, who we had passionately fallen in love with.  The response was so overwhelming, that we decided to do it the next weekend and the next and the next.

Then it happened.  We discovered that the coffee shop area that we had been using for the bake sales was going to be converted into a space for our growing children’s ministry. The coffee machines were always on the fritz and the cost of supporting the coffee shop was becoming too high. Once the machines died, the church decided to eliminate the coffee shop.

We were upset, not knowing how we would continue to raise money toward our trips to Mexico. So, we began to pray. Neither of us could have been prepared for what God was about to ask us to do. Over the course of that weekend, it became clear what God was calling us to do. We asked the church if we could use the fellowship hall to set up tables and brew coffee. They agreed. I made a few more phone calls and before we knew it, the Missions Café was born.

A local coffee company donated industrial coffee machines and gave us coffee at an amazing cost. From there, we went out to the community and asked restaurants for cups and lids. Longhorn Steakhouse partnered with us by donating all of the coffee condiments.  Granite Transformation, a local company, donated not only their time but replaced our vintage countertops with beautiful new ones!  With the help of volunteers from church, all of the electric and plumbing was replaced and updated. We now receive weekly donations from Big Sky, Panera Bread and the Bagel Café. The church community has engaged by consistently donating supplies, allowing our costs to continue to remain low. This means almost all of the proceeds go directly to missions ministries like Back2Back!

The café has become more than just a means for us to raise money for our trips to Mexico.  It also allows us to sponsor five children at El Retiro Juvenil Children’s Home in Mexico through Back2Back’s Shelter Child Sponsorship Program.  In addition, we use the proceeds from the café to support two boys in Back2Back’s Hope Education Program.

We have a small army who help run the café.  If we have learned anything through this journey, it would be that we serve a God who keeps his promise to be a father to the fatherless.

Year End Donation

December 23, 2010

Thank you for your continued partnership with us in providing “care for today and hope for tomorrow” to orphans around the world. We truly appreciate your love and support. If you would like to make a year end donation by December 31, 2010, here are 3 ways for you to give…


Please make checks payable to Back2Back Ministries and mail to (postmarked by 12/31/2010):

P.O. Box 70
Mason, OH 45040


Donate online at


For stock transfers or credit card donations, call Karen at the U.S. office at 513-754-0300 ext. 3.

Woven into the Tapestry of Our Hearts: Reflections on Child Sponsorship, by Carlene Murray, Back2Back Child Sponsor

December 20, 2010

To remember a journey is to retrace its steps. It’s hard to walk the path to Casa Hogar Douglas Children’s Home and not be joyful and sorrowful at the same time. The rising light of the morning sun glows off the mountain’s cascade. It’s a beautiful reminder that God, The Creator Artist of this majestic beauty sits on His throne. Joy.

Once at the Children’s Home, gaze into dark brown sleepy eyes, or tear swollen eyes, or the vacant eyes of a little child or teen abandoned, neglected or abused, sadness has a power that can take over. Where are you here God? The enemy forces the lie that the orphaned child does not matter, that no one cares, that there is no hope. Sorrow.

Yet, in Christ we have victory and through the love and truth of not just words but faith in action, the people of Back2Back are living hope to orphaned children.

In the midst of what can appear to be hopelessness, there is faithfulness and love in action. How? They show up. They hug, they provide, they teach, they remind, they comfort, they shelter, they feed, they pray, they touch, they scrub, they come alongside, they heal, they love.

They meet the need in the moment and give hope for the future. Through each Back2Back staff member, God pours out His love to His precious children in a tangible way. Hope is born and lives are changed and like the majesty of the mountain, God, the Father sits on the throne of each precious child’s life. Then, in a holy moment, something in the eyes of the children glimmers and changes. Sometimes it’s for just a moment, or a day. Sometimes it’s fleeting with the goal for it to be a constant truth. But it comes and eyes light up, eyes smile and eyes rest knowing care and hope.

Hopelessness can destroy the precious spirit of a child, but through Back2Back and their Shelter Child Sponsorship Program, hope is active, hope is alive and kids are learning that they matter, are remembered, are special, uniquely created and are loved.

For our family, it was a spirit-led journey to Casa Hogar Douglas and meeting 14 year old Roberto. Our 14 year old son, Connor first met Roberto on a school mission trip with Back2Back in February 2009. Although the boys are the same age, Connor looked to Roberto as a friend and little brother because of Roberto’s playfulness and size. Roberto would instigate play with Connor by stealing his cap.  Running away laughing, Connor would chase him. The boys became friends and were happy to be assigned as partners on a Back2Back field trip. They were buddies enjoying the moment of childlike antics and easy friendship.  They were two boys, the same and different in that special time and place.  Together they laughed, ran around, joked and smiled for a week.



Roberto (left) and Connor


On the last day there, Connor’s group departed at dawn for home, while my husband Brendan, walked the dark early morning path to Douglas Children’s Home to serve breakfast to the children.

Upon seeing Brendan, Roberto ran to him and asked right away, “Where’s Connor?”

Brendan gently explained that Connor was on a different flight and had left early to go back home. In an instant, eyes can tell a story. In that moment, Brendan saw the fall of Roberto’s once hopeful eyes, dash downward in disappointment. Brendan smiled, ruffled Roberto’s head and told him Connor said goodbye and that they were friends. He hugged Roberto goodbye later that day and told our family how special Roberto was to Connor and to him.

Of all the stories Brendan and Connor told on their return, Roberto’s sadness of Connor’s departure would stay with me.  As a mother, my heart ached for a boy so special to my husband and son that I had never met. A boy our son shared in a testimony that touched and changed his heart. Roberto was not just a boy at Douglas Childrens’ Home.  He was woven into the tapestry of my son’s and husband’s lives and became a child we would embrace in prayer and share his story and the story of the orphaned child. Once our eyes see and our hearts are changed, are we not compelled to respond?

Just five months later, three spots would open on a Back2Back family mission trip to Monterrey in June 2010. Changed by his own experiences serving alongside Back2Back, Brendan arranged for me to join the group, along with Connor and our daughter, Shannon. Connor would get to see Roberto again so soon and Shannon and I would now get to meet Roberto for the first time!

I laugh now thinking what Roberto must have though the moment I hugged him with tears running down my cheeks. To me, wrapping my arms around him was such a gift. I couldn’t help but think we were sent to let God love Roberto through our family.

After our introductions and hugs, Roberto turned to me and said, “Connor, mi hermano,” (Connor, my brother).

This was a holy moment I will always treasure as tears flowed and I watched our son give Roberto a hug.


Shannon, Connor, me and Roberto


Roberto is bright, social and handsome. His smile lights up a room and I am know many hearts have been touched by him.  It’s really a special gift to know him and be a small part of his big fan club! I remember asking about Roberto, his story and if he had a sponsor and was told he most likely had a sponsor. So we enjoyed our week hoping to pour out fun and hugs whenever we could with Roberto and all the children. As our week went on, each time we would reunite with Roberto, I would hug him and we’d talk through Connor translating. It was easy and fun and I could not help but see he was a stair-step between my two children and I could imagine him as ours. Maybe not ours in the sense that I would be inclined to think, but maybe “ours” in a way I did not even know.

On our last night on the Back2Back campus, as my daughter, Shannon and I walked past the Shelter Child Sponsorship booth.  I quickly glanced over the table as I walked past it. Suddenly, I stood still, eyes fixed and I quietly gasped out loud. Shannon looked down too and looked up to me with eyes of surprise!  We each went to grab the picture of the child on the table so fast we almost ripped it!  Through my tears,  I was looking at the beautiful face and smiling eyes of Roberto!  I knew instantly then as sponsors, Roberto would be ours! We excitedly found Connor to show him Roberto’s Child packet and then the three of us ran off to call Brendan at home and in a million miles an hour, tell the story of God leading us to sponsor Roberto and asking “Can we?”  Each of us in our family had met Roberto, hugged him and laughed with him. We all had our own treasured memories with him. God took care to provide each of us with a personal connection with Roberto and then asked us, “Will you let me use you for him?” How could we not? Once we have seen are we not responsible to act? Does faith demand a response?

It’s an honor and gift to be a sponsor and to be used to encourage, pray for and send support for Roberto. It is in him I see Jesus. In him I see selflessness, love and care of community and sharing. He lives in the moment of joy and makes others smile. He gives away what he has. Can’t we give away what we have been given? When I think of how Roberto has blessed each member of our family, I am awestruck at God’s special plan for his precious orphan children and how He allows us the gift to be a part of His plan for them and to be blessed. At first, we may think it’s the other way, that we the sponsor will be the blessing. Maybe. But we have experienced God placing His love in our hearts for a child that is not our own but we call “ours” and in that, we are the ones blessed to be a small part of Roberto’s life. We look back and clearly see God walking that path to Douglas Children’s Home with each of us to Roberto and converging that path of our lives and hearts. It’s so humbling to be used as part of God’s unique plan for Roberto’s life and to have the honor, the privilege and the gift to be a part of Roberto’s journey and love him. For us, nothing could better.  And so, we did not decide to become Roberto’s sponsors. God did.

Pursuit of Independence, by Cathy Huffer, Back2Back Mexico Staff

December 9, 2010

What if there were few expectations placed on you? Do you think you’d rise up to something better?

Milagros has had hearing disabilities since around the time she was born. The plans from her parents were to take care of her until she was eighteen years old and then pray that some boy wanted to marry her to care for her.

But, God had other plans.

God put in Milagros’ heart a love for Him, a love for children, and a desire to want more out of life. Through connections ordained by God, Milagros has had the opportunity to study sign language and is planning on finishing beauty school this spring.

Will you join me in praying for her?

She needs independence training in order to live alone or with others for assistance. There aren’t many opportunities for her here. Pray that we are able to find a place where she can learn what she needs to become independent and be safe within her environment. The picture below is of her coloring my hair. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have never colored my hair. Only for Milagros would I do such a thing. She indeed is inspiring.

Give a Life-Changing Gift to an Orphan in Need

November 29, 2010

This Christmas, give a life-changing gift to an orphan in need.  Choose from dozens of items in our gift catalog to help the children that Back2Back serves in Mexico, Nigeria and India!  Your gift will make a lasting impact in the life of a child this Christmas.  This is a great way for individuals, families and churches to celebrate the true spirit of the Christmas season!

If you did not receive our Christmas gift catalog, please contact us at 513-754-0300 and we will be happy to send one to you.

Last Day to Bid on Carl Edward’s Memorabilia to Benefit Back2Back

November 15, 2010

Today is the last day to enter the charity auction of Nascar driver, Carl Edwards’ Harley Davidson motorcycle, firesuit, race car hood, and autographed pit crew shirt! All proceeds to benefit Back2Back Ministries! Register for FREE at to bid on Carl Edwards’ gear before it is too late!

Thank you!

November 12, 2010

Thanks to all of you who joined us last night for Back2Back’s fall banquet! Over 650 friends of the ministry attended the event, sharing with us in a celebration of God’s relentless pursuit of the heart of the orphan child. Thank you for coming alongside us as we provide “care for today, hope for tomorrow” to orphans around the world. We are truly grateful for your ongoing support.

To those of you who were unable to attend, learn more about Back2Back’s orphan care efforts, by watching our new video, which premiered at last night’s event.

NASCAR Driver, Carl Edwards, and Copart Team Up to Auction Edwards’ Harley Davidson Motorcycle and Race Memorabilia to Benefit Back2Back Ministries’ Orphan Care Program

October 25, 2010

Carl Edwards with his XR1200TM Harley Davidson Sportster, which he is auctioning online to benefit Back2Back.

Copart, Inc., a leading online vehicle auction company, today announced it is teaming up with Roush Fenway Racing driver, Carl Edwards, for a promotion and online auction of his personal memorabilia.  Carl Edwards intends to donate all proceeds from the auction to benefit Back2Back Ministries’ orphan care program in Monterrey, Mexico. Back2Back Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides for orphans and impoverished families around the world with locations in Monterrey and Cancun, Mexico, Jos, Nigeria and Hyderabad, India.

“This partnership is an exciting way for Copart to support Back2Back,” said Todd Guckenberger, Executive Director of Back2Back Ministries.  “While they promote their auction via their social networking program, they are raising enormous amounts of visibility for our organization and helping to meet the practical needs of the orphaned children we serve.”

“We are incredibly proud to be the connecting piece of the puzzle in this campaign to support Back2Back Ministries,” said Copart CEO Jay Adair. “The opportunity to serve as the vehicle between Carl Edwards and Back2Back in raising money for this charity is tremendous and demonstrates a core value that we at Copart stand for.”

Both Copart and Back2Back Ministries will use social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogging and other viral marketing tactics to help drive people to the charity auction and sweepstakes, where they can become members for free.  Once a member, fans will be able to bid on items that include Edwards’ used fire suit, autographed pit crew uniform, a hood off the No. 60 Copart Ford that Edwards raced in Nashville this season, and a Harley Davidson that Edwards won at the Nationwide Road America race in June.

“Sitting at the drivers meeting in Road America, they showed all of the drivers this really cool looking motorcycle that the winner of the race would win,” said Carl Edwards.  “I knew that if I won the race, that motorcycle would be mine. So, I was talking to a friend of mine, Lonnie Clouse who serves orphans through Back2Back Ministries, about selling the bike if I won and giving the proceeds to his orphanage. After we talked about, I was thinking about how I was going to sell this motorcycle. Luckily, I have the perfect sponsor to sell a vehicle online and raise money. This is a perfect case of everything falling into place and I’m really proud of working with Copart in order to make this happen.”

The live online auction will occur on November 15, 2010 at, but fans can start placing their maximum bids today. Bid at or by visiting the sweepstakes section of Copart’s Facebook fan page.

You are Invited to Back2Back Ministries’ Fall Fundraising Dinner

October 20, 2010

Cincinnati Friends: Back2Back Ministries’ Fall Fundraising Dinner is on Thursday, November 11th at 6pm in West Chester, Ohio at the Savannah House. Join us as we explore the various Back2Back ministry sites and hear how Back2Back is providing care to orphans around the globe. $75/per person. To RSVP or for more information, contact Diane Siemer at

Join us for a Zumbathon!

August 16, 2010

Cincinnati Friends:  Join us on Sunday, August 22nd at 3pm for a Zumbathon fundraiser at the Nisbet Park (amphitheater) by the Loveland bike trail. Bring your friends and family to this fun Latin-inspired workout, led by certified Zumba instructor, Jenna Schroeder.  Special guest speaker, Beth Guckenberger, will share a few thoughts on orphan care.  $10 suggested donation (children can attend for free).

Cincinnati Cinco de Mayo Cooking Show with Celebrity Chef and Hope Program Students!

March 31, 2010

Spaces are limited and reserved on a first come basis!

Back2Back Christmas Gift Catalog: Give a Gift to a Child in Need

November 18, 2009

Celebrate the true spirit of Christmas by giving a life-changing gift to an orphan in need.  Choose from dozens of items in our gift catalog to help the children that Back2Back serves in Mexico, Nigeria and India!  Your gift will make a listing impact in the life of a child this Christmas!

View the gift catalog online and choose an item by clicking here.

Making an Impact from Indiana, by Claire Rogers, Back2Back US Staff

November 16, 2009

Last year, Steve Harney, president of Quality Printing of Anderson, Indiana joined us at our Mexico campus for a mission trip.   Serving with us at the children’s homes sparked a passion in him that ultimately led him to seek to find a way to use his resources to support the ministry.   Shortly after, he partnered with Back2Back by offering us high-quality printing at a significant discount, only charging for materials.  This partnership has been a tremendous blessing to our ministry, allowing us to expand communications, such as our magazine and our Christmas gift catalog.

A few days ago, we (Beth & Todd Guckenberger, Kristine Hall, Brian Bertke and I) had the opportunity to have lunch with Steve Harney and his staff.  Beforehand, we were given a tour of the facilities, catching a glimpse of our Fall 2009 magazine during the printing process.  If you’re on our mailing list, you can expect to receive it later this month.

Thanks to Steve Harney, Kay Cox and Beth Champ of Quality Printing for your support of the ministry!

Back2Back magazine pages ready to be bound

Back2Back magazine pages ready to be bound

During the printing process of Back2Back's Fall Magazine

During the printing process of Back2Back's magazine

Some of the US Staff at Quality Printing (L to R: Claire Rogers, Brian Bertke, Steve Harney, Kristine Hall, Todd Guckenberger)

Some US Staff visiting Quality Printing (L to R: Claire Rogers, Brian Bertke, Steve Harney, Kristine Hall, Todd Guckenberger)

Christmas Cards from Back2Back are now available! All proceeds to benefit the children we serve!

September 28, 2009

Lift Them Up Cards, by Back2Back Ministries, is pleased to offer Christmas cards that reflect God’s message of hope for orphans and His promise to hear their cry and lift them up from their distress. Proceeds from the purchase of this card will help Back2Back Ministries as they provide care for today and hope for tomorrow to orphans in need.

B2B Christmas Cards

Three Ways to Place an Order
1. To pay by credit card call 513.754.0300 Monday through Thursday between 9am and 4 pm EST

2. Or, mail a check noting the desired number of sets in the memo line to: Christmas Cards, Back2Back Ministries, P.O. Box 70, Mason, OH 45040. Please add $4.95 shipping for one set or $10.35 shipping for 2-13 sets to your donation. Unless otherwise specified, cards will be shipped to the address listed on your check.

3. If you prefer, you can avoid shipping charges by picking up your cards from our office during regular business hours, at 8118 Corporate Way, Suite 201, Mason, OH, 45040. We recommend calling ahead (513.754.0300) to ensure someone will be available to assist you.